Tuesday 14 May 2013

Website Link

Here is our Hearth And Home website in which we have worked on in order to create a relative theme in conjunction with our narrative:


Hearth And Home Evaluation

More Than Conquerors - Hearth And Home

Here is our final project:

Friday 5 April 2013

Filming More Than Conquerors

We arrived at Conway Mill (our location for filming performance of More Than Conquerors) a day before filming them in order to arrange our desired set, which we were more than happy with when we had everything organised and in place. We used old furniture and situated it around the set in order to make it look like a home, and we used different types of lights in order to create special coloured affects  on the set. We were successful in creating quite a dark feel to the set and this worked well in conjunction with the song and narrative.

We again arrived at Conway Mill the next day, well prepared with our filming equipment in order to film More Than Conqueror's performance of Hearth And Home. They were pleased with the work we put into the set, and they did not choose to change anything about it. We were delighted with their reaction and they were more than happy to let us film them. We were very grateful that they gave up the little free time they have in order to be in our filming. 

The band set all their equipment up and we were eventually ready to film, with our shot sheet by our sides, keeping us on track. We played the track of Hearth And Home a number of times in which they played along to, and we filmed each needed shot successfully, using a wide variety of techniques such as handheld, steadicam, panning and using the tripod etc. We were happy with our wide range of shots when we were finished filming and were confident to begin editing. 

We felt we had a very successful day filming performance, and were ecstatic at how cooperative More Than Conquerors were with us. They were a great band to work with and we were thankful and happy to work with them.

All in all, it was a great day!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Sunny With A Chance Of Riot

We decided to make a joint blog in which we could all contribute our work and research to in order to keep our planning organised and accurate. In this blog we posted details of performance, locations, filming schedules etc which would keep us on track during the filming process. The link to our joint blog is:


Friday 8 March 2013

Using Social Networking Sites To Reach Our Target Audience

We felt that our music video and style/genre of More Than Conqueror's would appeal to a wide range of people, however we felt that our peers would appreciate our video the most. We felt that social networking would be the best and easiest strategy to take when communicating to them about our work, and so we created a Facebook page in which we frequently post aspects of our project on in order to engage our audience and get some feedback on their thoughts of our progress. We also created a twitter account in which More Than Conqueror's immediately followed.

Our Facebook page is:


Our Twitter account is:


Thursday 28 February 2013

Shot List

We created a list of all the shots we need to take in the order they should be taken. We will keep a copy of this list during filming to keep us on track of what we need to do.

Shot Summary:
1. Close up shot of guitar being played.

2. Close up shot of lead singer and microphone.

3. Shot of photograph being ripped and thrown away.

4. Close up shot of lead singer and microphone.

5. Shot of inside home from outside - Convey warmth and bright atmosphere.

6. Close up shot of lead singer and microphone.

7. Throws down ripped up photo and slowly breaks from camera into run. Camera follows at mid height.

8. Running down path - slow motion. (Shot from behind)

9. Foot splashing into puddle - slow motion.

10. Camera follows run (sprinting - slowed down by editing)

11. Mid shot of back up vocals and right guitar.

12. Shot of whole body - face covered. (180 degree rule)

13. Door open with knife wobbling on the step dripping blood.

14. Point Of View shot pushing door aside to reveal hand (showing wedding ring)

15. Person seated at location - fire is the only source of light. (Wide shot)

16. Shot through the fire to distort person - Mid shot.

17. Shot of drummer + see whole drum kit - wide shot.

18. Shot of bass guitarist - Either mid shot/full length.

19. Over the shoulder shot (180 degree rule)

20. Close up of photo - then thrown into fire.

21. Close up of hands and knife covered in blood.

22. Runs away from the fire - wide shot.

23. Left guitar back up vocals - mid shot.

24. Torches/flashlights following him from behind.

25. Flashlights flicker around the character as he runs. (Mid shot)

26. Close up of lead singer and microphone.

27. Character falls over but fades to next flashback.

28. Shot of wife bleeding. (After being stabbed)

29. Tilt up to reveal face as husband in shock of what just happened.

30. Close up of wife’s distraught facial expression - tears.

31. Wife falls over (dead) extending her hand like earlier flashback.

32. Shot of drummer. See full drum kit.

33. Mid shot of right guitarist.

34. Left - shot of bass guitarist. Either mid shot/full shot.

35. Point Of View shot - pushing door aside to reveal a hand. Husband runs out of shot with a knife in hand.

36. Husband runs out of door dropping the knife. Door open with knife wobbling on the step dripping blood.

37. Shot from behind left of character running away from pursuers. Can see torch shine on his back.

38. Shot of character slowing to ledge.

39. Character approaches ledge.

40. Close up - singing in to microphone.

41. Shot of drummer. Whole drum kit in shot.

42. Takes step to ledge, light of torches flickering. Calm demeanour of character.

43. Mid shot of back up vocals.

44. Close up of character - tears running down face.

45. Last flash back - shot from behind. Happier times presented by brighter costume and dusk sun shining.

46. Following the wife as she turns around - Mid shot.

47. Wife runs off as he slows down.

48. Wife beckons him to follow - wide shot makes wife distant.

49. Shot from behind, whole body drops off edge.

50. Close up of guitar being played.

51. Walking off into distance - wide shot to show distance.