Friday 5 April 2013

Filming More Than Conquerors

We arrived at Conway Mill (our location for filming performance of More Than Conquerors) a day before filming them in order to arrange our desired set, which we were more than happy with when we had everything organised and in place. We used old furniture and situated it around the set in order to make it look like a home, and we used different types of lights in order to create special coloured affects  on the set. We were successful in creating quite a dark feel to the set and this worked well in conjunction with the song and narrative.

We again arrived at Conway Mill the next day, well prepared with our filming equipment in order to film More Than Conqueror's performance of Hearth And Home. They were pleased with the work we put into the set, and they did not choose to change anything about it. We were delighted with their reaction and they were more than happy to let us film them. We were very grateful that they gave up the little free time they have in order to be in our filming. 

The band set all their equipment up and we were eventually ready to film, with our shot sheet by our sides, keeping us on track. We played the track of Hearth And Home a number of times in which they played along to, and we filmed each needed shot successfully, using a wide variety of techniques such as handheld, steadicam, panning and using the tripod etc. We were happy with our wide range of shots when we were finished filming and were confident to begin editing. 

We felt we had a very successful day filming performance, and were ecstatic at how cooperative More Than Conquerors were with us. They were a great band to work with and we were thankful and happy to work with them.

All in all, it was a great day!